And she roars !

Life is a whole lot of bits of up and down. Crazy how I am always here manoeuvring about life like it has not been happening before then. Ask Father Abraham , and he will gladly tell you lots of fun crazies about his 100+ life on planet earth. More so , the evolution of the earth theories , that try their best to confuse us east and west about the beginning of the earth. I say, believe what you can believe.

21 years old , she was already happily employed at her first work place , and was striving for that 000,000 hit one day one time then. 25 years old , she thought she would have had it all ( apart from a family, hehehehe , she wasn’t ready) , she had hit that 000,000 and was looking forward to 000,000,000. “ Okay, it gotta be at 30, right?” She wondered to herself .

Funny how we ignore all the factors around us in making the kind of person you are now . Most people think when you work hard , get that promotion or that investment in, that’s it , everything will gladly follow. But then we forget , damn, the people in your life that could even depend on you, those always waiting for a chance to surbotage you , the constant failure to determine what you truly want in life …. Bluh bluh bluh …. list them all in that notebook, I know you got a whole list of items after reflecting upon your life.

We get confused in what we are now , where we are now , what we are doing now with who we want to be then. In most cases , these two are totally different and it’s always hard giving up the latter for then. What if it doesn’t work out? What if I never make it ? But then , Then is slowly showing up and you are not ready to be Then .

Then , what do you do? And SHE ROARS ! Higher than a lion…. If life so be it , let it be …. That just snapped out of my mind and i even don’t know if you gerrit but i gerrit . Maybe , I wasn’t ready for Then in the Latter but i chose and choose to go with Then now because Then is my future. It is who I have always wanted to become , who I have worked so hard for to be, and who will give me the joy , peace and comfort I am so much aspiring to attain. Yes, it is going to be hard or even harder but I gotta trust Then to be worth the wait .

This should be good enough to kick start my 2023 and THEN decade . Make it an astonishing one as it should be, get those business plans approved , procure that big chunk of land , that travel destination better be sealed in , put that idea on paper and don’t let Latter stop me from being Then.

I like reading and learning from Robin Sharma , and she shared some insights on how to make 2023 a great year for oneself. Maybe you could pick out one or two things to look forward to , 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

1. Stop worrying about things you can’t control.

2. Drink more water.

 3. Don’t check messages upon waking up.

4. Work in blocks of time that you’ve carved out on a written weekly schedule.

5. Write a daily “not to do list”.

6. Use positive words. Stop using victimspeak.

7. Don’t say yes to activities you don’t want to do. Life is too short to be spending your time doing things you can’t stand.

8. Exercise first thing each morning.

9. Don’t read the news. Ok—maybe once a week.

10. Use music as a productivity [and mood] enricher. Make playlists for new projects.

11. Avoid people who make you feel bad. And remove the dream stealers from your days.

12. Talk to yourself in a more encouraging way. There’s no one else like you alive on the planet today.

13. Do fewer work activities yet increase your quality dramatically. It’s better to push one piece of mastery into the marketplace than a thousand pieces of average.

14. Study your craft for an hour each day. The performer who practices the most wins.

15. Take more naps.

16. See the gifts on others. And polish the ones within yourself.

Making THEN attainable .

Janet Alice Nagawa (c) 2023

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